Value parser

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Since raw command line is a string, a parsing is needed to populate options and arguments with non-string values.

Command line parser supports parsing of any custom types via IValueParser<T>.

You may set a value parser for CliOption<T>/CliRepeatableOption<T>/CliArgument<T>/CliRepeatableArgument<T> with UseParser() methods:

var option2 = parser.Option<MyCustomType>("option")
                    .UseParser(new MyCustomTypeValueParser());

Built-in types

You don’t need to set custom value parser if your option have one of the following value types:

Enum types

Built-in enum value parser supports few ways to configure parsing.

See an example below:

public enum MyEnum
    // This enum member won't be parsed

    // This enum member won't be parsed either

    // This enum member will be parsed as "Value1`

    // This enum member will be parsed as "V2`
    [DataMember(Name = "V2")]

    // This enum member will be parsed as "Value3`

    // This enum member will be parsed as "V4`

    // This enum member will be parsed as "V4`
    // Note that CliParserMemberAttribute takes priority
    [DataMember(Name = "Not_V5")]

Enum value parser is case-insensitive, so it will handle Value1, value1 and VALUE1 as the same value.