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Switch is a command line parameter that doesn’t have an explicit value, only “set/not set” states.

Switch may have:

Defining switches

Use a Switch() method of parser or command to add a switch:

// Create a switch with short name only
var sw = parser.Switch('s');

// Create a switch with long name only
var sw = parser.Switch("switch");

// Create a switch with both short and long names
var sw = parser.Switch('s', "switch");


Help text

Use either helpText parameter of Switch() method or a HelpText() method of CliSwitch to specify description for an autogenerated help:

var sw = parser.Switch('s', helpText: "Help text");
// or
sw.HelpText("Help text");

Hidden switch

Use either hidden parameter of Switch() method or a Hidden() method of CliSwitch to hide a switch from an autogenerated help:

var sw = parser.Switch('s', hidden: true);
// or

Display order

Use DisplayOrder() method of CliSwitch to override switch display order in an autogenerated help:

// This example with generate help with the following ordering:
//   z Switch Z
//   a Switch A
// If you drop the DisplayOrder() call - you'll get this:
//   a Switch A
//   z Switch Z
var swA = parser.Switch('a');
var swZ = parser.Switch('z').DisplayOrder(-1000);

Consuming parsed values

You may access an IsSet property to find out if a switch has been set.

CliSwitch<T> is implicitly convertible to T, so there is no need to access Value property manually in most cases:

var sw = parser.Switch('s');
// ...
var isSet1 = sw.IsSet;
bool isSet2 = sw;
var isSet3 = (bool)sw;
var sw = parser.Switch('s');

// These two lines of code are identical

// But these are not - x and y variables will have different types
var x = sw.Value;
var y = sw;

void RunCommand(bool sw)
    Console.WriteLine($"Switch is \"{(sw ? "set" : "not set")}\"");

Repeatable switch

Usually switches can be specified only once. But there are cases when a switch might be set few times - e.g. a verbosity level switch:

# Default verbosility

# Extra verbosility
my-program -v

# Extra-extra verbosility
my-program -v -v
# or
my-program -vv

# Extra-extra-extra verbosility
my-program -v -v -v
# or
my-program -vvv

These switches are called repeatable switches. Parser supports repeatable switches via RepeatableSwitch() methods.

var sw = parser.RepeatableSwitch('s');
// ...
var isSet1 = sw.IsSet;
bool isSet2 = sw;
var isSet3 = (bool)sw;

var repeatCount1 = sw.RepeatCount;
int repeatCount2 = sw;
var repeatCount3 = (int)sw;

CliRepeatableSwitch<T> has almost the same API as ordinary CliSwitch. Differencies are: